Our Approach
SUPPORTING EXISTING ORGANIZATIONS who are already doing great work by providing volunteers, funding, and collaboration.
PARTNERING WITH CHURCHES who are committed to serving our community and sharing the gospel.
STARTING OR ACCELERATING INITIATIVES to fulfill needs in the community that are not adequately being addressed.
TRAINING LEADERS who have a desire to make an eternal impact in their community.
Our Motivation
To put it simply… we love Jesus and we love this city. We also think that author Tim Chester points to three important motivators in his book “Good News to the Poor” - the character of God, the grace of God, and the reign of God.
The character of God - The Bible speaks of God as the God of the poor who upholds the cause of the oppressed. He commands us to do likewise throughout the Scriptures and through the example of Christ who humbled Himself and dwelt among us “not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)
The grace of God - We are to show love to others, especially the marginalized, in a way that reflects our experience of God’s grace. We do not serve to earn God’s favor, to make ourselves look good, or because we think we are better than others. We serve because we have been the recipients of grace through Jesus Christ.
The reign of God - Humanity was made to share God’s loving reign over the creation, stewarding the earth’s resources for the good of all and for the good of creation itself. In the gospel, we are called to repentance, to resubmit to the reign of God in every area of life.
ADAM BREGOU Co-Director // adam@servesyracuse.org
LOUIS BREGOU Co-Director// lou@servesyracuse.org
ROGER BURDICK // President, Drivers Village
ROB BURNS // Lead Pastor, The Gathering Place
LEVI PANCAKE // Elder & Pastor, Missio Church
JOHN L. STINZIANO // Attorney & Missionary